Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The start of another adventure....

It's been an amazing few days.  I think that's the first time I've written that particular sentence, whether in this blog, or anywhere else, since before Mark died, almost 10 months ago.  But it has been just that---amazing.

A dear friend forwarded me a daily devotion from Proverbs 31 Ministries several months ago.  As part of "A Widow's Might" portion of their ministry, this devotion spoke to me.  Deeply.  So much so that I went to their website & subscribed to their daily devotions that very day. 

I look forward to seeing email pop up in my special "Devotions" folder.  The messages always are heart felt and I feel, directed by God.  It's wonderful to see a diverse group of Christian women, in various stages of career and life, all writing with such a great purpose...to spread the love of God, to make one feel they are not alone in their particular journey.

A month or so ago, I was looking around the Proverbs 31 website (it's really cool, by the way, go check it out!), and saw a small "contact us" link.  I wanted the team of women writers responsible for "A Widow's Might" to know how much I have appreciated their stories of hope and encouragement.  As almost an afterthought, I attached the link to my blog, just in case they were interested in me.

I'd pretty much forgotten even sending them the link.  As all moms of school children can testify, the month of May is silly crazy hectic---between field trips, parties, and wrapping up the school year, I don't think I've had the luxury of sitting down much this whole month. 

However, I checked my work email last Saturday, and guess what I found?  A personal note from LeAnn Rice, head of A Widow's Might writing team.  She'd read my email, passed my blog link around to all team members and they have invited me to join them.

Wow.  Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined this happening to a "left-handed girl from Western Kentucky".....a chance to be associated with such a wonderful group.  I was blown, I tell you, blown away. 

Of course, I accepted.  Since then, I've received some of the most welcoming emails from the team members.  We all come from different parts of the country, with different struggles and family dynamics.  The one thing we have in common is that we are widows.  Christian widows.  And as hard as that's been for me to get used to saying, that's what I am.

And only the grace and majesty of God could've orchestrated this latest twist in my life.  I'm not sure where it will lead me, but I'm more than happy to continue to give God the keys.  He's doing alot better job of leading me and my boys than I could've ever done on my own.

I've changed my prayers just this last week.  I'm asking God to fill in the cracks of my life, of the lives of my sons.  They've lost their earthly father, but I'm convinced their heavenly Father has more than enough power to "fill in the cracks" of our sadness, to stand in the gap whenever we need Him.  Whether or not God has someone in our future to share our lives doesn't matter.  Because I know now we will be okay regardless. 

"Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life--and place it before God as an offering.  Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.  Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking.  Instead, fix your attention on God.  You'll be changed from the inside out. 
Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder."  
Romans 12:2, 12  The Message

LeAnn tells me she needs a bio of me and a picture to put on the website.  Knowing I don't have any good ones, I wonder what to do.  Offering up a quick prayer, I go about my business, getting the boys ready for bed.  Within the hour, a friend sends me a message on facebook, wanting to know if she can take pics of us for the site.   Yet another answered prayer. 

God is so good.

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Christmas, 2012

Christmas, 2012